Saturday, July 11, 2009

Presentation Materials and Biographical Resource Info Guide

The Biographical Resources Information Guide is available publicly on Google Docs at:

Very best,

Christina (Neen)

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Final Countdown

Wednesday night was our "dress rehearsal" for the presentation.

...And aside from some technical problems (and the challenge of reading presentation notes off of the same screen that the actual presentation is on), things went very well. I think that our group as a whole really made an effort to make this a presentation that people will be interested in.

This is the first time that I'll be doing a presentation through Elluminate, so I was very grateful for the rehearsal. Admittedly, speaking into a microphone and not being able to make eye contact with the viewers can be a little unsettling. It's difficult to gauge reactions from people you cannot see. Fortunately, Elluminate does offer some "emoticon" functions that I really hope people will feel free to use during the presentation. It would make me feel less like the crickets are chirping, so to speak.

Tomorrow, the final presentation will be available on the blog, courtesy of Also available will be an excellent information guide for biographical reference sources, compiled by Evelyn Bruneau and hosted by Google Docs.

We're really looking forward to sharing what we've learned about biographical sources and hope that you'll consider checking out the presentation here on the blog if you won't be at the Elluminate session. Since there may not be a great deal of time for questions following the session, please don't hesitate to ask here via a comment. I'll be glad to share any queries with Evelyn and Jennifer.

Until tomorrow,

-Christina (Neen)